Our specialization is in supplying all kinds of skilled, semi- skilles and unskilled workers for civil and building construction, roads and bridge, electro mechanical and power projects, ship building and repair yards,oil, gas, and petrochemical indusries.
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We have the ability to know and understand which countries and the characters of the users of manpower services. We strongly keep the value and quality of our workers in international sight. We will assist our company’s clients to find the proper workers candidate as their requirement and to find them according to the principle: “The right Man on the Right Place”.
The overseas employers prefer to hire Vietnamese workers for such reasons:
- Vietnamese workers are skilled
- They are Hardwork, Creative and Responsible
- They have long – standing experiences.
- They can create productivity in higher compared to other nationalities.
- They are fast learners and easily can adapt to any environment.
- They are well disciplined, humble and obedient.
- They are very conscious of safety rules on site and in camp.
- Using Vietnamese workers cost cheaper than the domestic workforce and It can save the expense for training.
- The deployment process is simple and very fast for Vietnamese.
Reliable Manpower Supplier In Vietnam
We provide all categories of manpower from Vietnam.
Including workforce for building structure & general construction, hospital/medical & Paramedical staff, Drivers/heavy equipment operators, Engineering/project management, telecommunications, Oil & gas staff, Hotel/catering staff, Domestic helpers, General technical/engineering staff, Agricultural/irrigation & dairy farm…